Innovative experiences turned into life lasting memories that are achieved by watching, listening and customizing

It’s time to live your own experiences

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Kifisias Avenue 263, Kifisia, Athens Greece 14561
(+30) 210 8010892
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About Us

Through the path of knowledge, art, travel, business, aesthetics and new technologies, we have created a new reality and an experiential journey of knowledge – the Ancient Greek Experience. Our vision is to bring both Ancient and modern timeless Greece, but also modern, to your hearts and also to walk you from the culture of your reality to the culture of your dreams. With a new personal dimension, experience and feeling. Therefore, we invite you to embark on a great colorful and exciting journey of knowledge, to see the Light and experience Harmony. With elegance and sensitivity, you will experience in Greece something exciting, unparalleled, a new experience coming from the past, living in the present and leading you into the future. Join the myth on a journey of knowledge that has been alive for thousands of years.

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